Celebrate Clean Air Day with Breathe London's Website Updates!

Happy Clean Air Day! Today, we are thrilled to announce some exciting updates to the Breathe London website. Our new features include intuitive data visualisations showing how air quality at over 400 locations across London compares to against World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for PM2.5 and NO2 air pollution. In addition, we’ve released a comprehensive list of actions different groups can take to reduce exposure, protect health, and improve air quality. These updates were co-developed with our incredible Breathe London Community Programme groups.

Insights from the Community

Over the past eight months, our collaboration with the Breathe London Community Programme groups and others using the website has been incredibly insightful. Here’s what we learned:

  1. Need for Actionable Air Quality Information for Specific Groups: Different communities and groups require tailored information that addresses their specific needs and circumstances.

  2. Preference for Simple, Comparable, and Shareable Data Visualizations: Clear and easy-to-understand visuals are crucial for effectively communicating air quality information.

  3. Strong Interest in Health Impacts of Air Quality: There is a significant demand for information that links air quality to health outcomes.

We’ve taken these insights to heart and developed new features to meet these needs.

New and Improved Features

Enhanced Data Visualizations

Our new data visualisations provide a clear and intuitive way to understand air quality. You can now see:

  • Air Pollution Data by Hour, Day, and Year: Track air quality over different time periods to see trends and patterns.

  • Comparison to UK & WHO Thresholds: Easily compare local air pollution levels against the UK and World Health Organization guidelines for PM2.5 and NO2.

  • Watch our latest video for more information about these features!

Tailored Actions for Different Groups

In collaboration with our community partners, we’ve co-designed a tailored guide that provides specific actions different groups can take. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, business owner, or healthcare professional, you’ll find actionable steps to help reduce exposure to air pollution and protect health. These tips are designed to be easily accessible and shareable, ensuring everyone has the tools they need to make a positive impact.

How to Access the New Features

Visit the node pages on the Breathe London website to explore the new features and review the action guides. Together, we can make a difference and improve the air quality in our communities!

Get Involved

We encourage everyone to take part in Clean Air Day by utilising the resources available on the updated Breathe London website.

You can also help out by completing this survey, where you will be entered for a chance to win one of four £50 Tesco vouchers.

Happy Clean Air Day from all of us at Breathe London!

A Big Thank You

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Centric Lab for their invaluable support in helping us think through how to present different types of data. Their expertise has been instrumental in making our data more accessible and understandable for all. We will continue to listen and work to incorporate additional enhancements to the website! Please provide your feedback here.


New Instructional Video: Understanding Air Pollution Data with Breathe London